New bingo hall for Eutaw, Alabama

A new 48,000 square foot building in Eutaw, Alabama will be a huge bingo hall, it has been announced.

The Greene County construction will be next door to the well-known Cotton Patch restaurant.

The building, which is on a 36 acre site, is almost completed although the parking lot has yet to be paved; officials close to the project said that it is likely it will open before Christmas.

The building is being developed by Sidetrack LLC, who bought the site in January 2008 for $630,000.

Currently Greenetrack is the only legal bingo operator in Greene County but the Eatman School Alumni Association had a licence granted in September 2008 by Greene County Sheriff Ison Thomas. It is expected that Sidetrack will operate using this licence. Other charity groups aiming to raise money from bingo are expected to apply for similar licences to use this new bingo hall.


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