£10K Ticket Tournament at Crown Bingo


Everybody loves a freebie! This month Crown Bingo are giving away free bingo tickets every Friday to their exclusive £10k games.

Every Wednesday, the top 400 cash stakers (including both bingo and side game stakes) will be selected and allocated free tickets to their £10K game taking place in Room 1 each Friday at 10pm. All stakes made between the previous Saturday and the Wednesday will be counted.

If you are one of the top players, you will receive an email or SMS confirming your free tickets to the big game. You must be present in Room 1 at the time of the game to play your free tickets.

The line prizes are as follows:

1 line= £1000
2 lines= £3000
3 lines= £6000

So all you have to do now is play your favourite games at Crown Bingo. Then keep your eyes on your inbox to see if your email invitation arrives!

Visit Crown Bingo


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